Ass. Prof. Ladislav Krofta, MD, CSc

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Deputy director, Head of Prenatal Diagnosis and Head of Post-Operative Care at the Institute for the Care of Mother and Child, Prague

Fax: +420296511296
E-mail: ladislav.krof­ta (at)

Work experience:
1993 – 1998 junior house officer, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague
since 1999 senior house officer, head of prenatal diagnosis, head of post- operative care, Institute for the care of mother and child, Prague
since 2004 deputy director, Institute for the care of mother and child, Prague

Education and training:
1987 – 1993 MD, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague
1996 Qualifications in gynaecology and obstetrics – 1st degree
2000 Qualifications in gynaecology and obstetrics – 2nd degree
2001 Ph. D., Thesis: Diagnosis of congenital defects in 1st trimester of gestation
2002 assistant professor, 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague
2003 member of the department ofgynecology and obstetrics, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Prague
2006 assistant professor, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague
2007 Qualification in Urogynaecology
2009 Qualification in Fetomaternal Medicine
2011 associate professor, Thesis: Vagina birth associated changes of the musculus levator ani