Welcome to the 7th Collegium Urologicum Symposium
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the symposium Collegium Urologicum.
This symposium brings together a variety of experts in the field of
urology and urogyneacology from private and academic organizations to deepen
cooperation and coordination in diagnosis and management of neurogennic
bladder, LUTS and other related topics within the Central European countries
and to promote information sharing among young specialists, experts,
physicians, patients and the community at large.
In addition to the wonderful scientific program, the symposium provides an excellent environment to meet your colleagues in urology and urogyneacology, build relationships and exchange experience and ideas in the field. The program includes lectures and roundtable where clinicians and leading urology and gyneacology experts meet to discuss and update their knowledge and ideas about recent advances in urologic diseases, their diagnosis and management.
Our thanks go to many people for helping make this meeting happen. Thank you for participating in this meeting and making it possible by your attendance. I hope you will enjoy the symposium, establish new contacts and continue to expand your network of trust and cooperation.

We look forward to welcoming you in Prague.
Czech Gynecological and Obstetrical Society of the Czech Medical Society of J. E. Purkyně, Society of Gynaecologic Endocrinology
Visit mymeed.org
Live streaming and an online archive of the International Postgraduate Schools
7th Collegium Urologicum 2014
Summary, lectures, archive
8th Collegium Urologicum to be announced soon
Please, follow the website